Thursday, September 14, 2006


One of my favorite areas of historical study is Middle American and South American civilizations. The fact that they were a virgin civilization, free from any contact with Asia, Europe, and Africa until the Conquistadors arrived is in-SANE-ly cool. They had different art, religion, culture, practices, and an environment not seen anywhere else on Earth.

The Inca were an incredible civilization. They perfected agricultural methods and social systems that only now, NOW, are we rediscovering them. The Aztec, Maya, Toltec, and Olmec civilizations in Middle American produced some of the most stunning pieces of architecture to ever stand. Teotihuacan and Tenochtitlan stand with the Great Pyramids and Angkor Wat.

If this article is true, if they have actually found an entirely new civilization in Middle America, this is some of the most momentous archaeological news in decades!

I'm pasting from Reuters because they only keep articles up for a short period of time before removing them.

From Reuters:
TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (Reuters) - Experts are examining the ruins of a pre-Colombian culture in an area of Honduras where there had been no previous evidence of major indigenous civilization.

The site, discovered earlier this year, consists of 14 mounds that form part of what are believed to be ceremonial grounds, the Honduran Institute of Anthropology said.

"They are part of a very important site, a governing center of a pre-Colombian civilization," Oscar Neils, the institute's head of research, told Reuters. "We had no idea that there was a pre-Colombian culture in this area."

The findings so far include an impressive carved stone monument, called a stela, as well as necklaces and grinding stones.

"The stela is a sculpture of various human and animal forms and is truly amazing in how well conserved it is," Neils said.

Three feet (1 meter) high and more than 4-1/2 feet (1-1/2 meters) wide, the stela is being displayed in the park of the nearby town of Moroceli, about 30 miles east of the capital of Tegucigalpa.

Neils said the site has been damaged by tractors involved in sugar cane growing, prompting Honduras' Culture Ministry to move to protect it.

Honduras is home to some 14,000 archeological [sic] sites, including world-famous Copan, which flourished between the fifth and ninth centuries and was one of the first Mayan sites to be excavated.

This site is completely distinct, Neils said.

"Its culture is an enigma," added the Mexican archeologist.

New Ruins in Honduras Hint at New Civilization (Via Science.QJ.Net)

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